Debugging messages are designed to assist in identifying issues and aiding Moodle developers. If you encounter a problem with your Moodle site and seek assistance on a forum, a developer may request that you enable debugging by activating debugging messages. This will help locate the source of the problem. If you experience difficulties like a blank or incomplete screen, enabling debugging is typically the initial troubleshooting step to take.

To enable debugging, go to Site Administration> Development > Debugging.

The options are:
  • NONE: Do not show any errors or warnings (Default)
  • MINIMAL: Show only fatal errors
  • NORMAL: Show warnings, errors, and notices
  • ALL: Show all reasonable PHP debug messages
  • DEVELOPER: extra Moodle debug messages for developers


  1. It is recommended that a record of error messages is kept, and for the admin to regularly monitor the error logs. This may be done by setting 'Debug messages' (debug) to Normal and leaving 'Display debug messages' (debugdisplay) off (unticked). Error messages are then recorded in the server logs.
  2. If 'Debug messages' is set to Developer on a production (public) site, it is recommended to copy and paste the debugging message obtained and then turn off Developer debugging. This is because debugging messages can give clues to a hacker as to the set-up of your site.