A Moodle course can look very different according to the theme and course format (layout). Here is a blank course page using the Boost theme with the standard weekly format:

You will see six areas of information:

  1. Course page - is a space where Teachers add learning materials.
  2. Course index - is the collapsible drawer on the left of the screen in Boost and Boost-based themes. It displays course sections and elements. As you move up and down the central course area, your location is highlighted in the Course index. Clicking on an item in the Course index will open it up directly in the course central area.
  3. Edit mode - This option is only available to teachers of the course who also have editing rights or to those users who are assigned site administration rights. Turn editing on allows teachers to change the appearance and functionality of the course. You can turn editing off again by switching the toggle button.
  4. Blocks - are items that may be added to the side inside the block drawer of any page in Moodle.
  5. Topic section - Courses can be divided into sections to organize resources and activities for students. Each section can have a description and can contain many activities and resources as the teacher desires.
  6. Collapse All - is to preview the resources and activities within a section.

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By default, a regular teacher can't add a new course. To add a new course to Moodle, you need to have Administrator, Course Creator, or Manager rights.

To add a course:

Step 1: Type the URLLink/course,  for example: https://lms.nephilaweb.com.ph/course

Step 2: Click on the category where you want your course to be

Step 3: Supply the following information;
  • Course's full name.
  • Supply Course short name.
  • Set the Course Start Date and Course End Date. Make sure that the Course Start Date starts at the time/ date you want your students to access your course. Since there will be a collaboration among students and teachers on this training, set the  Course Start date to the current date. Setting the course end date is optional.
  • For the Course Summary, please enter the description, learning outcomes, or the summary of your course.
  • Upload a Course Image, this will be displayed on the dashboard as a thumbnail to your course.
  • On the Course Format section, select the format either the Weekly or Topics format.
  • The Number of Sections depends on how many weeks or topics your course will have. You can start with the default of 4 sections unless you have already calculated the number of weeks or topics.
  • On the Appearance section, set Yes to Show Activity Reports.
  • For the Files and Upload section, choose the maximum upload size of the file in your course.
Step 4: Click Save and Display.